
Qubik - Glitch Book

Glitch by Joe Gilmore (Qubik)
This was on the main projects I wanted to speak to Joe about when visiting him earlier last month. Really interesting project exploring different methods of creating digital and analogue glitches. The project was stemmed from a collaboration between Joe and a few designers / artists and features experiments from a range of internationally renowned artists.

Its the collaboration between the different practices that I feel makes this project so interesting, and after a brief conversation with Phil I feel this is the angle me and Dom need to take with out cymatics brief.
We need to re-evaluate the aims of the project
Is it a way of getting people to complete their own experiments?
Is is a purely informative project?
Do we just focus on our own processes?
How will this affect the format of the book?
I will raise these issues with Dom later today as we divide our individual roles of the process and try to answer these questions and maintain a higher level of focus on the brief...

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