

I was advised to have a look at this book after the crit, as it explore methods of teaching typography. Although it addresses a very different audience to that of which I am currently targeting it has some interesting and simple methods of teaching people how to use and make typography.

The main thing that looking at this book / post crit feedback has shown me is that I NEED to start defining my audiences before continuing with any of my briefs.

- See more of the book here

The audience for the book is immediatly obvious with colourful and simple illustrations appealing to a younder audience and defining the tone for the rest of the book.

I need to consider my audience in order to full understand what route I should take with my design direction for the sketchbooks.
Simple and effective methods of explaining the different parts of the letters, this may have to play a slightly larger role in my sketchbooks than I initially thought.

I will need to consider the different sections of the book and how the fit together and interact allowing people to physically make letter forms while learning? Will they be separated or integrated?
I want to create something that's more 'hard nosed' typography, although this displays the details of typeface design I want my sketchbooks to have more of a formal tone / format.

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