
96 Bookshops

I picked this up while I was back over the holiday, its a free poster / mini publication that lists 96 different independent bookshops in London and maps them out on the back. Working with a hypothetical bookshop doing mapping might be a bit of a struggle but I could always propose a specific location. Again this all depends on the chosen audience, and if I eventually decide to do a pop up shop instead.

The type is appropriate to the context of the poster / publication and I feel reaches out to the appropriate audience of those who are interested in books as objects as well as tools of learning.
Considering layout and format is a major part of this brief, as I have already analysed when looking at the shop interiors. Alternative methods of promotion such as this could also be a route to explore...
Lovely use of the two colour print using lines and tints to make the most of the materials at hand. For this brief I may give myself certain restrictions as I feel this often has a positive impact on my work.

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