
Sound Sync 2

Another example of sound synchronisation but this time using complicated motion graphics. I think its this relationship between sound and audio that inspired me to try motion graphics even before this module and is defiantly something I want to use for my title sequence. Although the relation between audio and visuals is always an important factor in any music orientated video it would be nice to explore it to its full potential like in the last few videos I have posted.

Also this technique seems pretty suited to my current design direction but I need to get a better understanding of using audio in the software before I start editing my videos using this technique.

So my current design focuses for the sequence are - - -
- Architectural content - Relating back to target audience
- Abstract approach - As long as the overall feel is very industrial and mechanic the use of imagery doesn't need to be 100% related to bridges but must have some architectural relevance.
- Sound Synchronisation - Relating back to the idea of form follows function with each element in the video representing a part of the audio but without losing the content of the programme.

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