
More 4 Rebrand

I've recreated the logos in vectors but the studio have done a wonderful job on the rebrand so it made sense to explain some of the choices and show how its used in motion. Although it looks a bit complex while static, however in motion it really comes to life and has bought me some new inspiration for my own idents.

"After winning a competitive pitch, Channel 4 commissioned ManvsMachine to create a new brand identity and on-air look for More4. The package aligns with a re-focussed range of content on the channel.
The re-brand is centred round a bold, flexible logo that morphs through a series of flips, folds and reveals. The colour palette reflects the vibrant nature of interiors, food culture, fashion and other contemporary lifestyle programming."
Here are a few samples of the re-branding and new idents, although there not all digital all work in harmony to a well communicated overall identity that fits in nicely with its parent company channel 4. Been finding it hard to look at any sort of motion graphic without trying to work out how it was done which makes TV far more interesting.

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