
What is a Key Frame?

Key Frame - Important / definitive frames
(Frames are not points in time they are periods of time)
Inbetween - The remaining frames between the key frames
Tweeners - Inbetween Animators (originated from Disney Animators)
Timeline / Bin - Originated from when film was used

25 FPS - Traditional film

Rule of thirds - Also applies when working with moving image
Title Safe - Area in which title graphics wont be distorted of off the screen
Action Safe - Important visual elements are usually kept out of this area
but it is still visible on most modern screens

What key frames can be used for outside of After Effects
- Flash / Final Cut / Other computer software
- To animate layer properties in Photoshop
- Show developments in the design process
- To show changes in light, particularly helpful when working in 3D
- To show when audio comes in out / changes through out videos

2 potential problems when encountering sequences how are you going 
to avoid those problems...
- Confusing visualising speed when working using just sequences
---- Use a time-line to overcome issue
- Hard to think about space in between the frames
----- Use arrows and annotations to show movements

How do your sequences relate to this idea of a time-line? 
- They are simplified time-lines, but don't show movement / time as effectively
- Hi-lights what we think are key frames, without consideration of the effect of time

How are you going to map those sequences onto a time-line?
- Could use photos of the key frames and put them down onto appropriate times

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