
Anamporphic Type Software

Work by George Michael
This is pretty similar to how I saw my own designs looking but using solid blocks of colour, want to think about creating a 3D environment for the letters to sit in to get a real lifelike feel of the shot actually moving round the word rather than the letter forms moving. Need to actually think about this is enough of a reference to the word and what typefaces would work / wouldn't work, could possibly use this idea for spin using the same way the camera spins round and de-constructed type.

I've had a little look online to see if I could get hold of this software but can't seem to find it, also I think if I were to use this I wouldn't be getting as much experience on After Effects. Has taught me that I do really need to think about the 3D environment that my video poses the letterforms to exist in.

"Anamorphic Type Engine. A two dimensional image is “dissected,” its parts extruded on the z-axis. The size of the parts is a function of their position on the z-axis, so that from a given point, the image appears to be sitting on a two-dimensional plane.

The structures are conceived as hanging sculptures. The image above shows what a given “plot,” or the application’s output, might look like. Each piece of the structure is tethered to the ceiling by two wires. The application can produce an image of the ceiling showing the point at which each wire should be connected. A to-scale blueprint of the entire composition also dictates the length of each given wire.

The editing environment allows users to manipulate the position of pieces, as well as the the “focal point” that the illusion respects. As users drag pieces back and forth along the z-axis, their scale is automatically compensated to maintain the anamorphic illusion."

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