
Never Forever

Information & Wayfinding
Design by - The Luxury of Protest - Printed By K2 Screen
Available for purchase from HERE
Outragous project from concept to print methods, screen printed Fujiflex plastic with matte white ink. A wonderful information based project. Its projects like this that really push the way we see and interpret information. The glossy substrate could also work well for my own project with obvious visual references to the texture and quality of vinyl, I could maybe think about printing un-coated / matte inks onto the paper to recreate the texture further.

“Never Forever Never for Now” is a quantitative visualisation of the transient nature of empire. The visualisation graphs all known empires, colonies and territorial occupations from 2334 BCE to the present day. Each empire occupies a slice of the pie graph with a known start (+) and end (×) date. Each slice is assigned a transparency value of 10% allowing for concurrent empires to be visualised – the more empires that occupy the same period of time in history, the whiter the graph. As history progresses, humankind’s competition for wealth, resources and the relentless drive toward conquest and occupation can be clearly seen in the graph." - Quote from September IndustryFormat—C-type print on

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