
It's the lines!

This is to put the shapes I have been created in Photoshop for After Effects into context. One of the main elements of architecture that interests me is the abstract forms and clean lines that a lot of modernist and post modernist design features. It's often the function of the building that powers the reasoning for these amazing forms, particularly with modernist architecture and this is something I want to explore through my idents and intros. Another element that fascinates me is the contrast between the unnaturally clean, intrusive lines and the natural surroundings, this also applies for bridges as they are often over some sort of natural environment, such as a lake, the sea or a canyon.

Although the shapes are all in context, taken from segments of the bridges I will create some slightly more abstract designs to add some depth and movement in the backgrounds. Here are a few examples of the lines created in architecture, the bottom looks like one of the channel 4 idents, need to consider how the logo will fit onto the 60 second clip.

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