
Top notch web design

Some really beautifully exicuted websites by Archive studio, its the overall quality and functional values of the websites that make them stand out to me. There is a lot of overly ornamental design in web at the moment, the term form follows function should be even more appropriate on web, given its interactive nature!

It's hard to show just how well these websites use but there are links to all of them on the Archive website. I want to propose a website for my bookshop but want to make sure its well planned and organised before starting any design. I will write a list of what pages and map out the links between pages before starting on the grid / website.
This website in particular really emphasis the ease of use within minimal layouts, with a simple scroll box in the bottom corner. These are important things to remember for my PPD progression when planning my own website.
Lovely type on this website, not sure how the design studio operates as there is no description on their website other than 'design & development studio, might be people to consider visiting over Christmas.

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