After an inspiring weekend and typo London I had a lot of new relevant work to blog, none however as much as 'The Social Grid' by Joshua Davis. Check out some of his work here
As a basic summary of what I have learnt is that I shouldn't underestimate what people can do with the grids and I need to give people an incentive to use the books!
Joshua Davies is a graphic artist from New York and gave an exciting and
lively presentation about his life and his work. Another part of his
presentation was getting people to fill in these grids two days prior to
the event, asking them to find 'type and forms' and the best would be
part of the presentation.
The grids created were a way of getting people to play and explore ways of working that they may not have experienced before, mine however have more of an educational function (not that I don't want people to play)
There were also some digital renditions using the grids he had created that he posted online 10 days before the event (also with the chance of being shown in his presentation)
It was the engagement with the event that really made people want to see the presentation and that created a certain level of 'hype' about his talk.
One person even created music that was again made through programming, a different series of songs that represent the different grids. Its this sort of innovative way of using something as simple as a grid that really inspired me to push my ideas.
This video is also a great bit of research into cymatics, using an alternative approach to recreate the grids in sound, essentially the opposite of visualising sound.
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