
Quote - Bridges

After getting a couple of books out from the library and reading thorough a few chapters I have a much better idea of what I want my top ten to consist of. Functionally a bridge is about connecting one place to another, whether this be based on carrying goods, people or simply creating an easier crossing.

'Towards the end of the twentieth century, deep into the era of post war value engineering, bridges were rediscovered as vessels of metaphor. A bridge it was realised, was more than a matter of cold calculation, a way of spanning a given gap to carry a given variable load in certain predictable conditions, using the most economic means. 

A bridge could be - had previously been - more. Of course the symbolic and political function of linkage were never overlooked: for instance the great suspension bridges of the 1960's and 1970's had been audacious and beautiful enough to provoke wonder. But at the turn of the twenty-first century, bridges have come to be perceived in other ways. As a result, what had been largely the kingdom of the traditional engineer has now become a playground for architects and a new breed of design engineers."

Page 08, 30 Bridges, Matthew Wells, Introduction by Hugh Pearman, 2002

Some photos that I will experiment with on the photocopier and move into After Effects

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