

A few pieces of design from the 1930's to give me a few visual references

Product - Camel Cigarettes
Advertiser - R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.

Illustrator - Carl Erickson
Date - 07/01/1930

I can't stand the aesthetic of this but I think the wording and tone of voice in the text is really interesting. Especially seeing the way cigarettes used to be advertised, could be interesting to explore changing the wording in posters like this and changing words to make the text about records...

Product - Hienz Ketchup
Tag Line - 'Oh nippy days in Carolina what a joyous dish this is"
Date - 10/01/1930

Again I hate the aesthetics but could experiment with similar type, I might look into design from other areas in the world and see if there is anything slightly more fitting to vinyl and my target audience.

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